Embark on a journey into the enchanting world of Willow with our fan-created publication, “Princesses and Purgations: A Willow FanZine.” Crafted with passion and devotion by the Questies just like you, this zine is a celebration of the creativity and fandom surrounding Jon Kasdan’s masterpiece, Willow.
Whether you’re devoted Tanthamore, Graylora, or Boorman’s lustrous beard, there’s something for everyone.
Enjoy the digital experience with a downloadable PDF formatted for easy reading on your device (5.5″ x 8.5″). And for those who crave the tactile joy of a physical copy, a printer-friendly PDF is also available, designed for easy home printing on standard Letter-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″).
And many thanks to @artist_cold and @Mowsyling for helping to review submissions!